So we went to the Avalon Ranch again this past weekend to introduce Cosmo to dock diving during their 'fun day'. Lots of dogs, big and small, young and old showed up. The day was truly designed for teaching as the Ranch owners permitted ample time for the dogs to get use to the dock and ramp.
Unfortunately, Homer was not allowed to participate -- doctor's orders. Due to some breathing issues our vet has said NO to swimming. I did lobby my wife on his behalf but that didn't get anywhere.
Nonetheless, Cosmo took to diving rather naturally as you will see from this little video. His best jump was about 10 feet which is a far cry from the distance obtained from the younger experienced dogs jumping up to 3 times that distance. But like the majority of the dogs, all they're focussed on is getting the toy! It's the humans who become fixated on the distance.
Unfortunately, Homer was not allowed to participate -- doctor's orders. Due to some breathing issues our vet has said NO to swimming. I did lobby my wife on his behalf but that didn't get anywhere.
Nonetheless, Cosmo took to diving rather naturally as you will see from this little video. His best jump was about 10 feet which is a far cry from the distance obtained from the younger experienced dogs jumping up to 3 times that distance. But like the majority of the dogs, all they're focussed on is getting the toy! It's the humans who become fixated on the distance.