Monday 30 April 2012

The Truth is in the Name

I've already received some constructive criticism to lighten up the blog and get to the dog stories already.  Ok then.

I named Homer on the drive home from the breeders.  Most people think he was named after the most famous Homer of all, but he was not.  I was actually thinking of the poet who authored the classical stories The Iliad and The Odyssey.  But considering some of the things Homer has done, he more resembles the cartoon character.

My wife named Cosmo after the cocktail during her Sex and the City phase.  That being said, he definitely reminds me more of Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld.


Homer in the front and Cosmo in the back.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Grapevines Part 1 -- Pruning and Last Years Harvest

A few years ago my wife asked me to plant a Concord grapevine from a pretty sickly looking cutting purchased at a local nursery.  I stuck it at a sunny corner of the house but didn’t expect much. three years I was able to train the vine to grow 25' along the side of the garage and about 10' along the back of the garage.

Last winter (March 2011) I watched some Youtube videos and read articles on the topic of pruning grapevines because I wanted to significantly increase my grape yield.  I decided to prune my vine using the single Cordon system for its simplicity.  The main point to remember is that grape clusters only grow on new growth and pruning is designed to optimize new growth and therefore the grape clusters.  To prune, I identified one of the many pencil-thick shoots that grew off a main branch the year before.  Then I count up 2 to 3 buds from the base of the shoot and cut off the remainder of the shoot leaving 2 to 3 buds.  If you want to propogate more grapevines don’t discard the cuttings -- a topic for an upcoming post.  Each bud will spawn a new shoot which will host multiple grape clusters.  I now know that grapevines are very hardy and you really can’t kill your vine short of ripping it out of the ground.

Here is the results of my pruning.  As you can see from this kick-ass harvest, you can grow grapes in Ottawa.  When ripe, this variety of grape tastes like Welch's grape juice.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Up and Running and Introductions

Hello Everyone.

For years I've been wanting to create a journal to chronical many items related to my backyard garden but just never bothered.  I recently became inspired to do so in the form of this blog.  Bare with me as I am just starting to get used to this 'social media' stuff.  I also plan to include the odd post regarding my ever-present dogs, Homer and his bigger, younger brother, Cosmo......more on these guys later.  Please feel free to comment and ask questions.
